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Candy Pigment and Flake Added To DiamondFinish Clear to Restore Jet Ski

Here are some pictures that I took. I’ll explain what I did to get the result that I wanted.

I ended up having to make my red base coat because the aluminum had been media blasted and had a really grey appearance, and the customer didn't want me to go thru the extra step in prepping the aluminum for use as my base coat for candy.

I had some really coarse silver left over from the base on the ski so that's where I started. After playing around at the mixing bank I added some base coat pigments and a little binder for color and a couple effect pigments, I ended up with the color that the customer wanted.

The next step was to mix the pigment(s) in the DiamondFinish Clear, using about 20-30% by volume. It wasn't enough to be opaque, but with 2 coats it covered.

The reason for mixing in the clear was solely for DTM adhesion and I wanted to see how far I could go with introducing a large amount of pigments with the DiamondFinish Clear.

I followed up with a urethane grade red candy concentrate that I added to a fresh batch of DiamondFinish Clear and that finished it off.

The black that you see was rattle can satin black that the customer already applied. It was fully cured. The customer stated that he wanted this gloss black, so I shot the DiamondFinish Clear right over the top.

At this point I was done, until the customer wanted me to shoot some .008 OSF Ghost Fire flake over the black sections. So, two more coats and it was buried and now I was done.

It looks great! I happy with the result and the customer is more than happy.

All in all, I have to say I really like DiamondFinish Clear. DiamondFinish Clear couldn’t be easier to shoot and I LOVE the high solids!

I have been shooting flake for years and DiamondFinish Clear is exactly what the doctor ordered! I've been looking forward to trying DiamondFinish Clear out for a couple months now and I glad I did.

-Rikk C.

Marine Paint - Jet Ski Clear Coat - Candy Clear Coat
Marine Paint - Jet Ski Clear Coat - Candy Clear Coat
Marine Paint - Jet Ski Clear Coat - Candy Clear Coat
Marine Paint - Jet Ski Clear Coat - Candy Clear Coat
Marine Paint - Jet Ski Clear Coat - Candy Clear Coat
Marine Paint - Jet Ski Clear Coat - Candy Clear Coat
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